diana netherton
JoinedPosts by diana netherton
Omg New Borg Kingdumb Song, they went all Lion King theme Lol
by MrsR-Awaken inthe borg is turning into a disney music making machine check out their new kingdumb song (caution it might make your ears bleed).
diana netherton
Someone needs to start a thread with the most ridiculous things that come out of this organization. This would probably top it -- along with the tight pants. I love the beginning with the baker. -
The Bread Illustration (Feb 16 Broadcast) - Massive Contradiction
by fizzle inso... bro flodin puts poison onto the first loaf of bread and says that this pictures someone "sinning against the holy spirit".
he then puts the bread into the trash can stating that jehovah completely discards anyone "sinning against the holy spirit"... meaning they cannot ever be forgiven...he says that the pharisees "sinned against the holy spirit" because they denied indisputable evidence of the operation of jehovah's holy spirit displayed by jesus... therefore jehovah would completely discard them... no way back for them.. fast forward a little... we have the bible character stephen...acts 6:8 says: now stephen, full of divine favor and power, was performing great wonders and signs among the people.so stephen was showing indisputable evidence of the operation of jehovah's holy spirit.now we come to the bible character paul (saul)... he was a pharisee.paul would have seen stephen in action... witnessing the indisputable evidence of the operation of jehovah's holy spirit first hand!yet paul not only waged war against all christians but he personally approved the killing (stoning) of stephen.according to the bread illustration paul should have been discarded by jehovah at this point for "sinning against the holy spirit"... he would have been put in the trash can... no way back at all...but what happened according to the bible?
jesus appeared to him on the road to damascus... he became one of the most zealous apostles in bible history with jehovah's full support!so what on earth is the bread illustration all about?
diana netherton
Who IS this guy? Undefiled bread? Who says that? Any he covers the first loaf and dips the other one in the corner, as indicated by the comments. How could anyone see this as otherwise (well, unless your a JW.) Even the last loaf, he put so much garlic on that poor undefiled loaf that it was most like inedible.
I love the JW.ORG. They look more like idiots with every broadcast.
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It's Too Late to Return to Jehovah!
by naazira inyes friends it is too late for most of you to return to jehovah's org.
based on the new garlic bread parable in this month's broadcast with the illustration using loaves of bread.
it is obvious that the doors of the arc has been closed shut by jehovah's hand for some of us.. according to the new parable that can be found on jw tv.
diana netherton
I thought this was a joke. They are making themselves look more idiotic every day. I would say that the Internet is going to be their downfall, not because of troublemakers like us. It's going to be their own doing. I always suspected this may be the case. I hope I'm around long enough to see it.Link +3 / -0 -
Breaking Heart Needs Help
by thankyou inwas happily married many yrs unconditional love till wife went heaven yr n half ago.
3 mos ago sun morn.
when i once asked her if she been abused, cause seems like it, she didn't ans just hung her head.
Governing Body Member Gerrit Loesch Must Eventually Take The Witness Stand In Child Molestation Lawsuits
by frankiespeakin inwith many more cases in the offing the zalkin lawfirm will press the issue again and again and force gerrit loesch to testify.
what say you?.
diana netherton
I would suggest that they subpoena everyone, generate a bunch of complaints and questions on interrogatories which will force the JW org. to lawyer up even more, hence further draining the coffers. It adds up!Link +1 / -0 -
by Lost and adrift in.just plucking up the courage to introduce myself....living in ireland but from the uk originally.
..drifted away due to depression (from all things truth related lol and bereavements and my m.s husband cheating on me and leaving !!
) few years ago but they recently hunted me down (they contacted me the day my other half was diagnosed with cancer!
diana netherton
Lost and Adrift
Welcome here! I am sorry to hear about your struggles. What they did to you is in stark contrast to what Jackson testified to at the Royal Commission in Australia. He said UNDER OATH that if someone fades and leaves and doesn't identify themselves as a JW anymore, than disfellowshipping would not happen. I just watched it last week.
I don't know if you care to take the situation further, but if you do, I would write a letter and reference the video clip where he says that.
In the meantime, you're in good hands here. I have found a lot of friendship and support.
Take care!
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badly handled from Elders
by Olivia Wilde ini am still attending the kh, i actually recently became aware of the ttatt, what i believed came as a huge surprised for me, i wasn't raised as a jw and have been for about 15 years.
i have always been a very open minded individual all my life always seeing both sides of any situation with logic and common sense and so i believe discovering all of the doctrines i have been taught sense 16 years of age, wasn't extremely hard for me to realize in my heart it was a lie.
well it was me discovering the watchtower society being a ngo member of the un nations for 10 years, after that the snowball just got bigger for me.
diana netherton
Put superglue on the handle of their bag/book bag. Did that once and was never troubled again. -
Please how can I create a website?
by COLLINS inplease i want someone to teach me how i create websites.thanks!.
JW Middle Schoolers vs Non JW Middle Schoolers - what was your middle/high school experience?
by Julia Orwell ini'm a secondary school teacher and i've spent a lot of time at school this year since i've left jws simply observing student dynamics.
i do a lot of playground duty and have the opportunity to observe the kids at play and in the classroom.
i've especially had the opportunity to observe middle school kids, that is, kids between 12 and 15 in my state.. my observations of these 'worldly' children are:.
diana netherton
Middle school was absolute hell for me. I was teased and picked on and harassed walking home by others. Of course it didn't help that I was rather chubby and we were extremely poor so my clothing was pretty dire. I wanted to fit in but knew that I wouldn't be able to. I kept quiet mostly. High school was a bit better. I put my foot down and demanded that I be allowed to join the drama club. Performing was my happiness. I refused to join the ministerial school and give "talks" though. Got some flack for that. I wanted to barf every time there was a "talk."